Certified USM templates are available for visitors, registered user organizations, and certified USM professionals.
Certification of templates
All USM templates are tested against the USM service management architecture before they are qualified as certified USM products.
The USM community of professionals has a huge experience, based on their work in numerous improvement projects, and their lessons can be turned into instruments that benefit the deployment of the USM method.
In their bi-weekly meetups, the USM professionals co-create these new products, and when these are tested and released, they are added to either the public set of templates, or to the USM Toolkit.

Templates for visitors
Anyone interested in using USM for the improvement of their service organization, can use the templates that are described at the USM Portal and in the USM book as they see fit.
The USM Library contains resources that are available to all readers of the USM book.
The templates are owned and governed by the SURVUZ Foundation with only one goal: to improve the service-based economy and society. Therefore, SURVUZ is a non-profit organization that aims at delivering value to society without charging anyone for it.
Templates for registered user organizations
Registered user organizations have access to additional resources, as they will be using the USM templates in the standard formats. This registration is free of cost. Apply here.
The material includes various resources from the USM book (various templates, schemes, graphics) and other certified USM resources that are only available digitally (manuals, additional guidance, etc.).
Registered users exchange their experiences with other USM users in the Google Chat space 'USM Public Forum'.
Anyone developing additional resources when applying USM can share these with those other USM users after these resources have been anonymized, tested, and approved by an auditor of the SURVUZ Foundation. In this way, users enrich the stock of certified USM resources and ensure that they remain compatible with the rest of those resources, so they act as LEGO building blocks in the USM service management architecture. Sharing is multiplying!
Registered users that need additional resources or that need help using existing resources can report this to SURVUZ Foundation. If possible withing available limits, this support is delivered free of cost. If more support is required, USM professionals can help by means of coaching the organization, so they can learn to find and create their own solutions.
Templates for USM Professionals
Certified USM Coaches have thoroughly studied USM and they have additional instruments at their hand that they can use to support user organizations in their USM deployment projects. The use of these additional instruments - the USM Deployment Toolkit - requires a deeper understanding of the USM Method, so the Toolkit is only available to qualified USM professionals. These resources are again made available for free to the USM Professionals by the SURVUZ Foundation.
The instruments in USM Deployment Toolkit include:
- the USM Deployment Plan template, covering the setup and structure of the deployment (in PRINCE2 terms, this would be called the Project Initiation Document)
- the USM Roadmap: a detailed plan for the deployment of USM, covering each step that may be required during that journey (in PRINCE2 terms, this would be called the Project Plan)
- a USM project setup: a specification of the project profiles in small, medium-sized, and large USM project teams
- a template for the improvement sprints
- USM scans, including the USM Survey, the USM Quick Scan, and USM Assessments, with the required forms and reports
- tool selection guidance, including the requirements for USM compliance of service management tooling
- various database structures to be used in the USM management system
- minimum requirements for the essential components of the management system, covering standard areas of improvement
- guidance products that can support specific challenges or goals of the deployment
- templates for prioritization, classification, and impact analysis
- templates for service agreements, underpinning contracts, and operational level agreements
- templates for the USM process model, including the triggers, USM procedures and USM standard workflows
- all graphics from the USM book, to be used for presentations during the deployment
- slide decks for default presentations and workshops, to be used in the USM deployment project
- architecture components, including the definitions list, building blocks, rules
- and many templates and other documents supporting various activities of the USM deployment.
The USM Deployment Toolkit is constantly extended in various co-creation projects of the USM Professionals. The USM Professionals are part of the USM community that meets on a bi-weekly base in USM Professional Meetups, and in the sessions of Special Interest Groups.